Career Challenge 📈

Intermediate English speaking course, 28 lessons

Want to jumpstart your career? There’s no better way to do so than to learn English. This course will challenge you to improve your hireability as a potential work candidate by asking you difficult questions like “Why should we hire you?” and “Please describe your previous work experiences”. Although these are difficult questions, they are also common ones, and practicing in advance to make sure that your answers are as well thought out and convincing as possible will only work in your favor.

You will also learn important skills for being a good person to work with. Communication and sociability are two very important factors that all employers look for in their employees. Learn to ask questions like “How’s work going today?” and “Want to join me for lunch?” to improve your social skills in English and get used to answering these short but valuable questions as well.

Take the lessons, achieve your success
Learn common English words and phrases
Hear how native
speakers talk
Practice sounding natural by using voice technology
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