Reach Your Goal to Speak English Fluently

January 6, 2022

5 tips to keep your New Year’s resolution

Happy New Year! 🥳

Do you have a goal this year to improve at speaking English? Maybe you want to work internationally, or attend an English-speaking college, or just make new friends. Goals that are set at the start of a new year are called resolutions, which means to make a promise to yourself. How can we stay on track to achieve our resolutions?

Having taught many learners to speak English, and studied languages myself, I know that learning a language is not easy. It is especially hard to consistently maintain the effort and time to study. I have a few tips about how to not give up and set yourself up for success.

1. Make it easy

Make your goal easy to achieve. The hardest part of reaching a goal is getting started. If your goal is easy, then mentally you can say to yourself “this is not a big deal” and “I can do this”, and keep moving forward. Consider starting with an easy goal of studying 2 or 3 times a week.

2. Make it short

Don’t set a goal to study for 5 hours every Saturday. That will only lead to burnout. Set a goal to practice for 15 minutes each time. When it comes time to practice you can persuade yourself by saying, “I can get this done quickly.”

3. Use the power of habit

Do everything you can to make your English practice a habit during your day. This means making it a routine at the same time of day. You can practice while you have coffee in the morning, while you are commuting to work, during your lunch break, or right before your favorite show in the evening.

4. Make it fun

Make your practice fun. Learn words that make you laugh. Practice expressions that will surprise people. Like a game, practice over and over the phrases that are difficult to pronounce. Practice explaining funny stories and interesting ideas in English. Practice with a friend, even if that person is a non-native speaker.

5. Be good to yourself

Don’t be hard on yourself if you struggle. You should plan on taking periodic breaks from study to refresh. Give yourself a reward when you finish your weekly goal.

We have built New Voice Learning with these tips in mind. Each lesson is less than 7 minutes. Every week we prepare a goal of 6 lessons for you. If you make a habit of doing one lesson a day, then you have one day to take a break. We are cheering for you to reach your goals this year! 🚀

Matthew Sussman
Matthew Sussman
CEO, Co-founder