Speaking is confidence

September 15, 2021

The more you speak, the more confident you become. No matter where you are in your English learning journey, you can build the confidence to speak up and make your voice heard.

We know learning English can be intimidating and embarrassing, especially when speaking in front of native English speakers. This is especially true in classroom and workplace settings where your long term growth is on the line.

New Voice Learning understands these challenges and is here to help you overcome them. We believe you can build your confidence when you have the right mindset and environment to grow.

Build your compassionate mindset
Consider your mindset and be compassionate to yourself. Confidence is a feeling that comes from within us. Even if your English is not perfect, you can still be confident.

Find your safe space
Practice by repeating new vocabulary words until you feel you know the meanings and become comfortable with the pronunciation. The critical next step is to internalize the words by using them in daily conversations. As you practice using the words in conversations, they will naturally become a part of your everyday life.

Your hard work will pay off. Speak often, build confidence, and achieve fluency.

Matthew Sussman
Matthew Sussman
CEO, Co-founder