Using AI to Enhance Self-Guided Learning

June 19, 2024

Self-guided learning offers a unique, individualized approach to learning a language which focuses on the goals and interests of the learner. With the advent of AI technology, self-guided language learning has never been more attainable. 

While AI-powered platforms make self-guided language acquisition more accessible, the thought of embarking on an independent language journey is still daunting for many. However, self-guided learning does not need to be an alternative approach to classroom learning. Instead, it can be used as a great tool that instills motivation and determination in students to maintain their language journey for years to come.

The Benefits of Self-Guided Learning

Self-guided learning can transform the language classroom from a space focused on curriculum guidelines and overall class success to a space that celebrates each student’s unique goals and achievements. For example, students using a more self-guided approach can access a greater diversity of content, whether it be through language learning platforms such as FLOW Speak or Rosetta Stone, or real-world language use on TV or social media. This allows learners more flexibility to focus on using language in ways that interest them, connecting their education to their lived experience and motivating them on their journeys. 

Implementing self-guided techniques within the classroom also allows learners to work at their own pace, enabling them to review basics as needed or advance when they’re ready. This helps teachers balance a classroom with a range of abilities. Self-guided tools can prevent overwhelming students who need more guidance to reach success while ensuring stronger students are consistently challenged. In any ESL classroom, students will require unique guidance in different skills. Specific tools have been designed for ESL students to help guide them on this journey. So how can teachers utilize this approach and these tools in the classroom effectively?

Implementing self-guided techniques within the classroom also allows learners to work at their own pace, enabling them to review basics as needed or advance when they’re ready.

Supplementing Lesson Plans with Self-Guided Learning

Teachers can increase their students’ success through self-guided learning tools and methods. For intermediate and advanced language learners, teachers can assign open-ended projects that require students to research topics of interest. For beginners, using a guided learning platform for individual practice or homework encourages learners to focus on their own comprehension. Refocusing on personal improvement can reduce the pressure students may feel when comparing themselves to their classmates. To save preparation and classroom time in this transition to self-guided learning, teachers can incorporate new platforms that use AI technology to guide learners through lessons at their own pace and provide individualized feedback.

Refocusing on personal improvement can reduce the pressure students may feel when comparing themselves to their classmates.

Moreover, incorporating self-guided learning can address curriculum gaps by tailoring practice and research activities to individual student needs. As each group of students has differing strengths and weaknesses, each class will need additional practice outside the standard curriculum. Teachers can use students’ marks , reflections, and feedback to indicate the concepts that require more focused practice. Pre-made materials on self-guided platforms simplify lesson supplementation, allowing teachers to spend time with students instead of drafting materials. Additionally, many self-guided language platforms use AI to guide students through level-appropriate concepts independently.

Leveraging a variety of these teaching and delivery methods allows teachers to expose students to a wide range of language usage scenarios. This breaks students out of the more formal or scripted feeling of “classroom English” and prepares students for the real-world where they will continuously encounter challenging and unfamiliar language.

This breaks students out of the more formal or scripted feeling of “classroom English” and prepares students for the real-world where they will continuously encounter challenging and unfamiliar language.

Self-Guided Learning for the Future

When used together with traditional teaching, self-guided learning can help students reach their full potential. The additional accountability of a classroom teacher encourages students to develop strong study habits even with a more self-guided approach. Eventually this accountability will transfer to an internal motivation as they learn to set short and long term goals and begin to achieve them. 

As students continue in their language learning journey, establishing consistent self-guided practice schedules helps students maintain language skills during breaks, addressing issues of vocabulary or grammar loss. Self-guided practice helps students to take responsibility for their own learning journey, making them active participants in their language development. For classrooms that cannot incorporate self-guided practice into grading systems, focus on building study habits within the classroom and encouraging continued practice at home. 

Self-guided practice helps students to take responsibility for their own learning journey, making them active participants in their language development.

Introduce students to self-guided platforms during class and integrate self-guided practice into every lesson. Make sure to take time in class to help students set up their accounts and navigate the learning system so the learners are confident to use the platform independently. Over time, students will see the benefits of their practice and increase their motivation to learn. Eventually, these students will develop strong study habits and skills that will continue to support their language goals even after leaving the classroom environment.

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Alyssa English
Alyssa English
ESL Teacher, Author